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#HowToInclusive Tyson Seburn roundup

It’s been a pleasure to be invited to various radio shows and podcasts to talk about the book since its publication in June 2021. I’ve embedded them and book reviews where possible below. Otherwise, please follow through the link provided to written interviews.

TESOL POP, S9E4: A Disruptive Approach to Teaching & Materials. 14 May 2024. You can also watch on Youtube here.

IATEFL 2023, Promo interview for ‘It’s not only about pronouns: our language of ex(in)clusion’

Interview for IATEFL 2023

Teachers’ Coffee with George Kokolas & Virginia Dooley. 13 February 2023. Youtube here.

The Twilight Show with Harry Waters. 8 June 2022.

An interview with TEFL Union Workers. 14 December 2021.
The TEFL Workers Union is proud to have interviewed Tyson Seburn. Tyson is an English language teacher who has been a consistent voice for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the industry and has even produced a prototype on what a non-heteronormative text book could look like. Read the full interview here.

ESL Talk Podcast. December 2021.

The Drive Home with Harry Waters. 24 November 2021.

ELT CPD with Billie Jago. 1 November 2021. You can also listen on Youtube here.

English Australia Journal 38.1
A book review by Kaylee Downing here.

Gender. Sexuality. School. S4E4. Oct 2021, published January 2022.
Interview by Tara Goldstein. Book review by Brownyn Garden-Smith.

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